Onea Mobile App API

Base URL: /v2, Version: 2017.40

This document describes the public endpoints exposed by the Onea Mobile App API. The default host implementing this API can be found at

Schemes: https


Tag: authentication

User authentication

Operation Description
POST /v2/auth/login

Login a user into a given environment

POST /v2/auth/logout

Log out a logged in user and invalidate an access token

POST /v2/auth/register

Registers a new user

POST /v2/auth/connect/{companyInviteKey}

Connects an authenticated user to a company

Tag: maintenance

API maintenance information

Operation Description
GET /v2/maintenance/message

Get the current active maintenance message.

Tag: companies

Control and manage information about companies

Operation Description
GET /v2/companies

Get all public company data for companies that match given criteria

GET /v2/me/companies

Get a list of all companies the user has access to

POST /v2/me/companies/{companyId}

Update an existing company

GET /v2/me/companies/{companyId}/suppliers

Get a list of all the suppliers for a given company.

POST /v2/me/companies/{companyId}/upload-image

Upload a new image to the given company

Tag: invoices

Control and manage information about invoices

Operation Description
GET /v2/me/companies/{companyId}/invoices/incoming/{invoiceId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/download

Download a PDF attachment for a given invoice

GET /v2/me/companies/{companyId}/invoices/incoming/{invoiceId}/validating/resync

Resync all validating incoming invoices


Connects an authenticated user to a company

POST /v2/auth/connect/{companyInviteKey}

Tags: authentication

Users with a valid access token can be given access to a company by connecting to the company using a unique company invite key. An invite key gives access to one company only and can be used by multiple users, but can expire due to a manual action or after a certain time period has been reached.


A valid access token

header string

A valid unique invite key

path string


200 OK

The user was succesfully connected to the company.

Login a user into a given environment

POST /v2/auth/login

Tags: authentication


The body should contain a JSON object which specifies the environment against which the user should be authenticated, the username of the user and the password of the user.

environment: string
username: string
password: string


200 OK

The user was successfully logged in. The response contains an access token which can be used for authorization in further requests.

token: string
Log out a logged in user and invalidate an access token

POST /v2/auth/logout

Tags: authentication


The body should contain a valid access token of a logged in user

token: string
200 OK

The user was successfully logged out and the given access token has been invalidated.

Registers a new user

POST /v2/auth/register

Tags: authentication


JSON object containing the username, password and email for the new user

username: string
password: string
email: string
200 OK

The user was successfully registered and can now log in.

Get all public company data for companies that match given criteria

GET /v2/companies

Tags: companies

VAT number of the company

query object


200 OK

Returns a list of public company data for all companies that match the given criteria.

Get the current active maintenance message.

GET /v2/maintenance/message

Tags: maintenance

Whenever the users need to be warned about maintenance on the applicaiton (i.e. possible downtime), the maintenance message will be set and can be retrieved via this endpoint.


200 OK

Operation success. The body contains a JSON object with the current active maintenance message. In case no maintenance message is currently set, the value of the message property is null.

message: string
Get a list of all companies the user has access to

GET /v2/me/companies

Tags: companies

A valid access token

header string


200 OK

Returns a list of all companies the user with the given access token has access to.

Update an existing company

POST /v2/me/companies/{companyId}

Tags: companies



A valid access token

header string

Id of an existing company

path string


200 OK

The company was succesfully updated.

Download a PDF attachment for a given invoice

GET /v2/me/companies/{companyId}/invoices/incoming/{invoiceId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/download

Tags: invoices

Allows you to download the PDF attachment for a given invoice. Note that this method requires a valid access token in order to download the file which can be set via the X-Onea-Auth-Token header. Alternatively, in cases where headers can not be set (e.g. HTML <a> tags), you can also specify the token via the query parameter token.


A valid access token

header string

A valid access token

query string

Id of an existing company

path string

Id of an existing invoice

path string

Id of an existing attachment

path integer


200 OK

Download was successful. The response body contains the raw binary data of the requested PDF file.

Resync all validating incoming invoices

GET /v2/me/companies/{companyId}/invoices/incoming/{invoiceId}/validating/resync

Tags: invoices

Forces a resync with the source environment of all incoming invoices with the status VALIDATING of the company with the given companyId.


A valid access token

header string

Id of an existing company

path string


200 OK

Resync was successfully triggered. Note that the resync is performed asynchronously and that the resync might not yet have finished.

Get a list of all the suppliers for a given company.

GET /v2/me/companies/{companyId}/suppliers

Tags: companies

A valid access token

header string

Id of an existing company

path string


200 OK

Returns a list of all the suppliers for the given company.

Upload a new image to the given company

POST /v2/me/companies/{companyId}/upload-image

Tags: companies



A valid access token

header string

Id of an existing company

path string
200 OK

Image uploaded succesfully.

Schema definitions

CameraImage: object

paymentMethod: string , x ∈ { cash , visa , invoice }
amounts: object
totalAmount: number
netAmounts: object[]
percentage: number
amount: number

Company: object

id: string
code: string
name: string
lastActive: string

PublicCompany: object

id: string
vatNumber: string
name: string
environmentName: string

Supplier: object

code: string
name: string
iconUrl: string
enabledPaymentMethods: string[]
string , x ∈ { CASH , VISA , INVOICE }